Singing Guide: Sammy Johns

Singing Guide: Sammy Johns

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sammy Johns' Unique Style and Vocal Technique

Sammy Johns is known for his unique vocal technique. One of the most distinguishable features of his singing is his use of "chest voice". This means that he sings in a lower range with a powerful, intense voice that really drives his music home. The low register he uses to create the earthy and raw texture of his singing is what creates a compelling and unforgettable performance.

Another key element of his style is his control of vibrato. Sammy John's vibrato adds a special touch to his songs, and you can learn to do the same. Start by practicing vibrato by holding a note and making a subtle, shaking waver with your voice, increasing the intensity as you practice. This takes practice and patience, but it’s worth it.

Songs Showcasing Sammy Johns' Unique Vocal Technique

To really learn and hone the singing style of Sammy Johns, it’s important to take a deep dive into his music. Some songs that really demonstrate his style and technique include:

  • "Chevy Van"
  • "Rag Doll"
  • "Angel in Pieces"
  • "Early Morning Love"

By analyzing these tracks and breaking down his vocal technique, you can pick up on the techniques that power his music. Chest voice, vibrato control, and use of dynamics are all elements and methods that Johns puts into his songs to deliver his signature sound.

Learning Sammy Johns' Style with Singing Carrots

The Singing Carrots website offers some wonderful resources that can help you learn how to finely tune your vocal style to be like Sammy Johns. With interactive warm-ups, vocal visualizers, breathing exercises, and courses, there are plenty of ways you can get the most out of your singing.


Getting to grips with Sammy Johns' unique style requires diligent practice, attention to vocal control, and an understanding of the techniques used in his greatest tracks. With these insights and guidance, combined with Singing Carrots' range of education resources, you can develop your voice and begin to hone your sound to bring it closer to that of this iconic southern performer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.